pp电子游艺官网 总部设于江苏昆山,在东莞与苏州都设有工厂,苏州泰方电线电缆设备有限公司是一家专业研发、生产和销售电缆云母带绕包机,新型塔盘式包带机,纸包机,丝包机,包纸机、聚酰亚胺膜包机,四氟薄膜绕包机,PTFE绕包烧结机,押出机,高速绞线机,单绞机等电线电缆设备, 公司具有丰富的线缆设备研发经验和成熟的电线电缆制造工艺。自开创以来,我司一直吸取欧美及日本的先进技术,先后开发出一批当前国际先进水准的电线电缆设备,产品远销国内外。
一直以来,我们秉着诚信、创新、开拓的经营理念,技术为核心, 以人为本,客户至上的服务宗旨,为客户提供从整厂规划-设备制造-设备运输-设备安装调试-成品电线生产-售后服务等一站式全程服务,不断改进、完善及创新产品,让客户享受到最优质最满意的服务,欢迎客户的洽谈和垂询。
Suzhou Taifang Wire & Cable Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional R&D, production and sales of cable mica tape wrapping machine, new tray type tape wrapping machine, wrapping machine, cable non-woven wrapping machine, wire aluminum foil Mylar wrapping machine, polyacyl Iamine wrapping machine, PTFE PTFE film wrapping machine and other wire and cable equipment extrusion machine, single twisting cable machine, power line cutting machine and other wire and cable equipment manufacturing enterprises, the company has a wealth of cable equipment research and development experience and mature Wire and cable manufacturing process. Since its inception, our company has been drawing on advanced technologies from Europe, the United States and Japan, and has developed a number of internationally advanced wire and cable equipment, which are sold at home and abroad.
All along, we have been adhering to the business philosophy of integrity, innovation and development, technology as the core, people-oriented, customer-oriented service tenet, providing customers with the whole plant planning - equipment manufacturing - equipment transportation - equipment installation and commissioning - finished wire production - after-sales Service and other one-stop full-service, continuous improvement, improvement and innovative products, allowing customers to enjoy the highest quality and most satisfactory service, welcome customers to negotiate and inquire.